Why sidewalk snow removal in Duluth matters
No matter how much snow Duluth gets, it requires clearing over 400 miles of sidewalks, which impacts the accessibility, public safety, and well-being of every community member—including you.
Sidewalk snow removal also significantly contributes to fostering livable communities, supporting economic well-being, and ensuring the integrity and longevity of the City’s infrastructure.

Impact of Sidewalk Snow Removal at a Glance

Upholds Accessibility for All
Upholds accessibility for all by ensuring mobility options, providing access to homes and buildings for life and safety reasons, and facilitating accessibility to bus stops, sidewalk networks, and safe school routes.

Increases Public Safety
Increases safety for pedestrians and drivers by ensuring clear visibility on snow-free sidewalks—reducing concerns about snow-related accidents, accessibility challenges, and suspicious criminal activity.

Nurtures Health & Well-Being
Nurtures good health by promoting increased physical activity and mental well-being while also playing a crucial role in cultivating a more interconnected community for individuals of all ages.

Promotes Livability for All Ages
Promote an age-friendly community that’s inclusive, accessible, and equitable, providing a safe environment where individuals of all ages, abilities, incomes, and backgrounds can live and thrive.

Fuels Local Economy
It fuels the local economy by increasing foot traffic and fostering a welcoming and inclusive environment that encourages residents and visitors to easily engage with local businesses.

Preserves Public Infrastructure
Preserves critical infrastructure and embodies a strategic, forward-thinking stance on public investment, nurturing a resilient and well-maintained community for all residents.