Meet the group behind the movement
The Be MinneSNOWta NICE campaign was created by the BMN Group, a collective of passionate community members in Duluth who actively work to ensure that sidewalks remain accessible throughout the year.

Our Mission
Our mission is to work alongside our community, including businesses and city leaders, to ensure year-round accessibility of sidewalks—recognized as a vital component of Duluth’s transportation network.
Key Priorities

Recognize Sidewalks as an Integral Part of our Transportation Network

Work Together to Keep Duluth’s Sidewalks Clear of Snow and Ice

Advocate for Dedicated Resources for Effective Snow Removal

Strategize to Assist Individuals in Need of Snow Removal Support

Strategic Initiatives & Activities
Connect with Community Members
Work alongside our community to foster a ‘neighbors helping neighbors’ approach that focuses on awareness and education to help address the importance of keeping Duluth’s sidewalks clear of snow and ice.
Partner with Local Businesses
Leverage the momentum generated by the attention and support sidewalk snow removal has garnered from our city leaders and work together to bridge the gap between community members and local businesses.
Collaborate with City Staff & Council
Collaborate with city staff and council to identify barriers and find snow removal solutions to ensure full compliance with the Disabilities Act, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, and the City of Duluth ADA Transition Plan.
A look back at the BMN history
The BMN Group was established in 2024 as an independent group to tackle critical challenges related to sidewalk snow removal to ensure year-round sidewalk accessibility in Duluth.

The Sidewalk Snow Removal Task Force (SSRTF) was established following staffing changes in the City that resulted in the discontinuation of the Sidewalk Snow Removal Assistance Program, which supported 20-25 participants annually through dedicated volunteers.

The SSRTF developed the Be MinneSNOWta NICE Campaign to improve accessibility, safety, health, and well-being in our community by encouraging residents to embrace the spirit of “Minnesota nice” and do their part to keep Duluth’s sidewalks clear of snow and ice.

In response to the City’s updated snow removal requirements, the City of Duluth Commission on Disabilities launched the Sidewalk Snow Removal Assistance Program to connect dedicated volunteers with individuals needing snow removal support.

To raise awareness about why sidewalk snow removal matters in Duluth, the SSRTF created the Why Sidewalk Snow Removal Matters handbook. The handbook emphasizes the impact sidewalk snow removal has on accessibility, public safety, and the overall health and well-being of all Duluth residents.

The SSRTF transitions into the BMN Group with a renewed focus on making Duluth a better place to live all year long.
The BMN Group invites community members in Duluth to join the Be MinneSNOWta NICE movement and take the BMN Pledge.
We value collaboration and are beyond grateful for the many
supporters who have advanced our mission.